



"I’ve been doing Pilates with Tash for 3 years now and have noticed such a difference in my body and my strength. I sit at a desk all day everyday and Tash has helped me to think about my core and posture and really improved my back and shoulder pain. And I’ve even gained 3cm in height!"

Jess - Age 23, Engineer


"I’ve been taught by Natasha for several years. She has a marvellous way of adjusting her teaching to one's strengths and weaknesses, varying things, being patient, making the hour challenging and enjoyable. And her warmth and honesty as a person always shines through."

Timothy - Age 76, University Teacher


“I've been working with Natasha for 3 years now. When I went to see her for the first time I was pretty broken and in constant pain, she helped me in both the way I was dealing with it physically and also mentally. It wasn't a miracle...I didn't skip out after our first session and feel great ...but within 3 months I noticed a significant difference, by 6 months I stopped feeling pain in every movement and by 9 months I forgot I was ever immobile or in pain.

I now see Natasha as an integral part of me staying fit and functional by making sure that I visit her regularly so that I don't end up back where I was before.”

Luke - Age 48, Photographer